On Jun 25, 8:26 am, AJK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello there!
> I've been googleing yet, and suppose it's hopeless to try, but better ask 
> it...
> I want to write a program which turns Cx to Ĉ, cx to ĉ et al WHILE
> TYPING. (i.e. converting Esperanto x-system to real hats, for those
> who know about this.) Therefore I though will need to capture the last
> 2 typed characters (from any application), send a double backspace and
> after that send the correct letters (back to the same application)...
> However, it seems inpossible to capture those letters, and maybe to
> send them too...
> Or am I wrong?
> Greetings,
> LaPingvino
> (project:http://code.google.com/p/iksilo/- SVN Repository is free
> viewable, project is GPL)
> --
> Ĉar Dio tiel amis la mondon, ke Li donis Sian solenaskitan Filon, por
> ke ĉiu, kiu fidas al li, ne pereu, sed havu eternan vivon.
> -Johano 3:16, La sankta Biblio-
> Ĝoju ĉiam, preĝu senĉese, pri ĉio donu dankon.
> -1 Tesalonikanoj 5:16-18a, La sankta Biblio-

I've never done this before, but theoretically, you should be able to
have a separate process monitor what you're typing and maybe do edits
in real time. At least, I assume that that is how MS Word works. I
have messed a little with sendkeys though. Here's the examples I found
on the net:


The msdn one is just the MS docs for Sendkeys.

One other alternative would be to type it all out and then run a
script to parse your document and basically just do a search and

Hopefully that helps your out a little at least.



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