Alan Isaac wrote:
> This is a simple question about actual practice.
> I just want to know how you (yes you) are
> approaching this problem. 
> The problem:
> What is the recommended packaging of
> demo scripts or test scripts for a package
> to be distributed to others to "play with".
> (I.e., without "installing".)
> Example:
> Suppose I have the package structure:
> package/
>    subpackage1/
>    subpackage2/
> Important detail:
> moduleXX uses a relative import to access moduleYY.
> The goal:
> I have a script that I want to
> distribute with the package.  This script will import
> moduleXX to illustrate or test the module's use.
> Is it the case that this script cannot reasonably be
> bundled with `package`?  (I.e., within its directory
> structure.)
> Note:
> If I put it in the `subpackage1` directory and
> just import moduleXX, I will get
> ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
> Note:
> If I put it in the `package` directory and
> import subpackage1.moduleXX, I will get
> ValueError: Attempted relative import beyond toplevel package
> Here is one hack, based on a suggestion of Alex Martelli
> and others.
> - add a `scripts` subdirectory to `package`
> - use path manipulation to find the directory holding `package`
> - insert this directory in sys.path
> This hack "works".
> However it has also been claimed that this approach is an
> insane for any shared code.  Is it?  If so, what is best practice?

I have used this method more than once to get around the fact that 
relative imports don't work the way I want them to in this situation. 
Alternatively, you could use...

package/ #for 'import package'

And always run scripts from the package/... path or from something that 
is able to 'import package'.  It does force a layer of useless 
namespace, but it works.

  - Josiah

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