harri a écrit :
> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> [...]
>> It seems obvious from this that static typecheking would require
>> dropping all dynamism from Python - then turning it into another, very
>> different (and mostly useless as far as I'm concerned) language. IOW :
>> you can't have Python *and* static typechecks - both are mutually
>> exclusive. Hence my answer : if you want static typecheking, you'll have
>> to use another language - one way or another.
> Well, static typing for me is usually the way to get the last speed
> required once the
> algorithmic improvements are exhausted.

Indeed - static typing is for compilers, not for programmers.

> The language Pyrex uses combines dynamic and static typing in a very
> useful manner.

Yes. But Pyrex is another language - and a much less dynamic one.


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