On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 01:25:14PM -0700, Matthew Peter wrote: > Parsing the stack's tuple to get those attributes didn't feel reliable or > pythonic. > I am likely overlooking something. Is there a brief example you could show me > in the > context of using inspect to accomplish the goal I outlined above? The goal is > using > a function and not a class. Thanks!
The code below doesn't do the trick for you? #!/usr/bin/python import inspect def master(): print "I am the master" slave() def slave(): stack = inspect.stack() caller = stack[1][3] print "I am the slave; my caller was %s" % caller def main(): master() if __name__ == '__main__': main() -- Stephen R. Laniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cell: +(617) 308-5571 http://laniels.org/ PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list