Michal Migurski wrote:
The python-based zope application server has session management. Togther
with a built-in user and access rights management.
This can be done in zope if you name a variable <name>:list. That then will
give you the variable as list regardless of the number of occurences.

Thank you. My impression of Zope in the past has been that it does what I need, along with 10,000 other things I don't (built in WebDAV server?!),

Our web designer just *loves* it (and ZopePageTemplates too, since they work quite ok with it's favorite html editor...). Might not be useful to you, but...

but clearly I owe it another chance. I've been initially attracted to mod_python because of its raw simplicity and its apparent similarity to mod_php and mod_perl, which I am familiar with. I'll give Zope a try.

Zope is a great product, but hard to get into, and it's sometime just too big and fat for some simple things. So while it may be worth giving it a try, I would not recommend it for all and any project.

Now when it comes to session management and the like, there are many other libs/frameworks/etc based on mod_python.

This might be a good start :

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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