my problems where more with scipy, which i needed for pymat.
scipy gives two import errors (but still imports), and then pymat
cant find the libraries that scipy provides.

i think i can just modify it to work with numpy untill
i can sort out the errors.


On 7/2/07, Brian Blais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jun 30, 2007, at 2:31 AM, felix seltzer wrote:

> Does any one know of a good matlab interface?
> I would just use scipy or numpy, but i also need to use
> the matlab neural network functions.  I have tried PyMat, but am
> having
> a hard time getting it to install correctly.

What problems are you having installing?  I had one problem with the
terrible matlab license server, which I had to solve by making site-
packages world writable, installing pymat as a user, and then
removing the world writable flag.  Root just didn't have access to
matlab on my machine.  :P



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