
I'm trying to write a ftp in python to send files to my webserverr.
Curtly I will change the directory to the folder name, down load the
file, then do a chnag dir ..\ to go back to the root diretory, chnag
the directory, save the file, do a ../.

Instad of going back one directory by doing ..\, could I just go to
the root directory?  Currtly I get a error saying file does not exist.

When I log onto my server using my ftp program,
The current path reads /home/admin/
I change the directory to mainwebsite_html.
The line that tells you the current directory now reads VAR/WWW/HTML.

When I use python, I
1.      change the directory to mainwebsite_html
2.      change the directory to ted
3.      try to go back by changing the directory to "var/www/html" in which
I get an error saying it does not exist.

When changing a directory in ftp must it be relative?? Help!!!!


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