Twisted wrote:
BASTA. Basta, cazzo (unprintable, Italian). Stop it. It wasn't funny
10 messages into your subthread, and it's even less fun now. It's
obvious you're trolling, but nevertheless, in the undescribably
improbable case you _are_ being serious:

a) Notepad is over there: --->*
b) If you do want to keep an antediluvian copy of emacs -probably
versioned in the negative numbers, for all you've said- please do. Do
be so kind as to send a copy, since it might be quite valuable as an
c) Powerful programming editors assume some willingness to learn their
interface. Deal.
d) Your capacity of denial is remarkable. Please do send us your
contact info, so that we may avoid dealing with you on a professional
killfile-ly yours,


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