Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
> Sometimes I think that all would be programmers should be
> forced to write a "Hello World" to transmit out of a serial port
> in assembler on hardware that carries no OS - just to teach
> them about interrupts and time.
> I would require them to hand assemble the code too, to make
> them appreciate what a compiler or an interpreter does.
> And if you fail the test, you get taken out and fed to the
> sacred crocodiles.
> - Hendrik
> --
> For training with a bite, enrol now in Heavy Henry's
> Wholesome Hackadamy for Precocious Programmers

Gives a whole new meaning to chomp(), byte, nybble, and more :)
I wholeheartedly endorse this effort. I'm sick of reading about
students from WTF University (check thedailywtf.com if you don't know,
but beware. There be dragons).

Once bitten, one arm less to code snafus with.


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