On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 10:55:05 -0800, rumours say that Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
might have written:

>>>>is to reset the rightmost (less significant) '1' bit of a number (ie
>>>>change it to '0').

>>>i tried c &= c - 1 but i'm not getting the least significant or
>>>rightmost bit reset to zero.  am i misunderstanding something?
>>>>>>2 & 1  # 2 = 0x10; reset right most would be 0x10


>> The difference between the original "reset the rightmost '1' bit", and your 
>> interpretation: "reset the rightmost bit" is the "'1'".
>> The rightmost bit that is set is reset. So 0x10 -> 0, and 0x1010 -> 0x1000.

>thanks duncan... you're right, i did intrepret this as "reset the rightmost 
>instead of "reset the rightmost '1' bit".  and i must have read what christos 
>wrote 100 times!!!

Don't worry, Bryan, I'm probably more to blame, since I have this tendency to
interject parenthesized sub-sentences all over my paragraphs, that probably
confuse more than clarify things ( self.remind(prose is not code) :).

Perhaps I should crosspost my replies (esp. the ones with nested parentheses) to
comp.lang.lisp ...
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
"Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

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