> >> I have an issue I think Python could handle. But I do not have the
> >> knowledge
> >> to do it.
> >>
> >> Suppose I have a class 'myClass' and instance 'var'. There is function
> >> 'myFunc(..)'. I have to add (or bind) somehow the function to the
> >> class, or
> >> the instance. Any help, info or point of reference is wellcome....
> >
> > How about this (note the first argument 'self' which is the instance
> > itself in the second case):
> >
> >
> >
> > def method_for_instance( message ):
> >    print message
> >
> > def method_for_class( self, message ):
> >    print message
> >
> > class myClass( object ):
> >    pass
> >
> > inst = myClass( )
> > inst.method = method_for_instance
> >
> > inst.method( 'hello' )
> This won't work as expected:
> class Bidule(object):
>    def __init__(self, name):
>      self.name = name
> def greet(self, who):
>    print "hello %s, my name is %s" % (who, self.name)
> b = Bidule('Bruno')
> b.greet = greet
> b.greet('Daniel')
> =>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>    File "/tmp/python-23258Nq5.py", line 10, in <module>
>      b.greet('Daniel')
> TypeError: greet() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

Well, I thought the name method_for_instance and method_for_class are
clear enough that if you want to 'attach' one of them to an instance
then method_for_instance should be used :)
And method_for_instance has only one argument and so will work as in
the example I gave (I guess you just overlooked them).

> The point is that Python functions are descriptor objects that, when
> looked up, return a (bound or unbound) method object wrapping
> themselves. So to attach functions as method *on a per-instance basis*,
> you either need to use new.instancemethod (as explained by Alex), or
> directly use the descriptor protocol, ie:
> b.greet = greet.__get__(b)
> b.greet('Daniel')
> => hello Daniel, my name is Bruno
> Note that you don't need this to attach a function as method to a class
> - the descriptor protocol will then JustWork(tm).

I agree that in general the solution explained by Alex and you is better.

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