On 7/10/07, CC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:
> > Grant Edwards wrote:
> >
> >>Most of the graphics I do with Python is with Gnuplot (not
> >>really appropriate for what you want to do.
> >>wxWidgets/Floatcanvas might be worth looking into.
> >
> > Agreed (I'm quite sure you mean wxPython though). Also, in "wxPython
> > in Action" (the official book) a simple drawing app is constructed.
> > It could help to start from there.
> Ooh, that's interesting.
> The programming contractor at work who does all our DAQ stuff also uses
> wxPython so it's looking like I should use that since I can get lots of
> help.

Since the book was written, wxPython has grown a vector graphics
system that might be more suitable for your needs. Look at the
wxGraphicsContext class.

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