To whom it may concern,

The serial port server 'cnhd38' has been terminated (on who's
initiative, I don't know).
It affects the users of the (at least) following nodes:
cnhd36, cnhd44, cnhd45, cnhd46, cnhd47.

The new terminal server to use is called 'msp-t01'. The port
numbers that are of interest for the nodes mentioned above are
as follows:

port 17: this port is shared between:
  cnhd44/etm4 serial port (via riscwatch), currently connected here.
  cnhd36/console port
port 18: this port goes to cnhd44/console port
port 19: this port goes to cnhd45/console port
port 20: this port goes to cnhd47/console port
port 21: this port goes to cnhd46/console port

To connect to a port, just enter the following command:

telnet msp-t01 <prefix><portnumber>

... an extra <enter> should give you the prompt.
<prefix> is always 20
<portnumber> is the port number...

example, connect to cnhd47/console port:
telnet msp-t01 2020


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