>> A slightly more generic match in case your package names turn out to be less 
>> consistent than given in the test cases:
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> import re
>> pattern = re.compile(r'(\w+?-(\d+[\.-])+\d+?)-\D+.*RPM')
>> pkgnames = ["hpsmh-", 
>> "hpsmh-"]
>> for pkg in pkgnames:
>>   matchObj = pattern.search(pkg)
>>   if matchObj:
>>     print matchObj.group(1)
>> Still assumes it will end in RPM (all caps), but if you add the flag "re.I" 
>> to the re.compile() call, it will match case-insensitive.
>> Hope that helps,
>> -Jay
> How about if i had something like 1-3 words in the application name:
> websphere-pk543- (in this case are 2 words)?

Try this instead then:


import re
pattern = re.compile(r'((\w+?-)+?(\d+[\.-])+\d+?)-\D+.*RPM', re.I)
pkgnames = ["hpsmh-", "hpsmh-", 
for pkg in pkgnames:
  matchObj = pattern.search(pkg)
  if matchObj:
    print matchObj.group(1)

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