On Jul 14, 6:27 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> En Fri, 13 Jul 2007 13:24:57 -0300, bvdp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> >> Seehttp://effbot.org/zone/import-confusion.htm
> >> Try to move the circular references later in the code (maybe inside a
> >> function, when it is required), or much better, refactor it so there is  
> >> no
> >> circularity.
> >> --
> >> Gabriel Genellina
> > Yes, thanks. I'd read that page before posting. Helpful.
> > But, I still don't understand how python can access a function in a
> > file I have NOT included. In this case, to get things to work, I DO
> > NOT "import MMA.grooves" but later in the module I access a function
> > with "xx=MMA.grooves.somefunc()" and it finds the function, and works
> > just fine. It shouldn't work.
> That depends a bit on what is "MMA" and what is "grooves".
> MMA.grooves means "look for an attribute named grooves inside MMA". If MMA  
> is a module, and MMA.grooves is a class/function defined inside the  
> module, you don't need to import it before using it.

I am a bit confused: I think the above should be:

if MMA.grooves in a class/function defined inside the module MMA, you
don't need to import the
class/function before using it, but only import the module MMA.

Am I wrong?


.w( the_mindstorm )p.

> But if MMA is a package, and MMA.grooves is a module inside that package,  
> you need to import it first (unless MMA/__init__.py does that already)
> > I have tried to delay the import, and that does work. But, from a
> > stylistic view I really to like to have all my imports at the top of
> > the module. Maybe some old assembler/C habits on my part.
> Sure, it's considered good style.
> --
> Gabriel Genellina


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