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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Georg Brandl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python.announce
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 4:10 AM
Subject: [ANN] Python documentation team looking for members!

> Dear fellow Pythonistas,
> as you may have heard, Python is going to get a new documentation system
> soon [1].  As part of that effort, and in order to maintain the excellent
> quality of the docs, we are looking for members of the maintainers team.
> This is your chance to get involved with Python development!
> There will be two main objectives of the group, or maybe two subgroups can
> be formed:
> * Maintaining the documentation contents:
>    - processing user submitted comments, bugs and patches
>    - helping out developers with docs-related matters, keeping an eye
>      on commits to ensure quality
>    - keeping the docs up-to-date, e.g. write new sections for new
>      Python 3000 features
>    The docs source will be in reStructuredText, which is already known to 
> a
>    relatively high percentage of Python developers.
>    The new online version of the docs will contain features to add 
> comments
>    and suggest changes, so it is expected that there will be some amount
>    of user involvement.
> * Development of the toolset:
>    - fixing bugs in the package
>    - adding new output formats, e.g. info or pdf
>    - adding new features to the web application
>    - adapting it to new docutils features
>    The software is written in pure Python. It is currently located in the
>    docutils Subversion repository, at
>    http://svn.berlios.de/viewcvs/docutils/trunk/sandbox/py-rest-doc/
>    The README file gives you a rough idea what you find there and how to
>    get started, all other questions can be directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>    I'll answer them gladly.
> An additional objective in the near future will, of course, be handling 
> the
> switch to the new system.
> Okay, so you've read until here? And you're interested in joining the 
> team?
> Wow! Write to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] and become a documentation maintainer!
> cheers,
> Georg
> [1] see http://pyside.blogspot.com/2007/06/introducing-py-rest-doc.html
>      for some details, and http://pydoc.gbrandl.de:3000/ [2] for a demo.
>      (Commenting doesn't work yet, but it's worked upon fiercely...)
> [2] the demo server is a small vserver with the application served by a
>      single wsgiref instance, and as such not fit to handle large amounts
>      of requests, so it may well be that you don't get good reponse times.
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-announce-list
>        Support the Python Software Foundation:
>        http://www.python.org/psf/donations.html


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