[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eddie Corns):

>I don't believe you can get the benefit of SNOBOL matching without direct
>language support.  

That's my opinion, too.

>There's only so much a library can do. However a valiant
>and interesting effort:

This is newer than http://sourceforge.net/projects/snopy/ which adapts a
ADA implemenation, which follows the SNOBOL model quite closely. Didn't
knew that. Thanks for pointing it out!  

Well, unfortunately, it somehow demonstrates your point. This may be
missing familiarity with the changed idiom, though. Perhaps rewriting a
few of James Gimple's snippets from "Algorithms in SNOBOL4"
(->http://www.snobol4.org/) as an exercise using that library might help
to get a better appreciation. Perhaps I'll try, eventually ...

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