On Jul 24, 8:31 pm, "Yinghe Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone help on how to use python to output the next month string like
> this?
> "AUG07", suppose now is July 2007.
> I think also need to consider Dec 07 case, it is supposed to output as
> below:
> "JAN07".
> datetime module seems not supporting the arithmatic operations, any hints?
> Thanks in advance,
> Yinghe Chen

>>> import datetime
>>> def nextmo(d):
...   mo = d.month
...   yr = d.year
...   mo += 1
...   if mo > 12:
...     mo = 1
...     yr += 1
...   return datetime.date(yr, mo, 1).strftime('%b%y').upper()
>>> nextmo(datetime.date(2007,7,15))
>>> nextmo(datetime.date(2007,12,15))


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