On 2005-02-23, Ilias Lazaridis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>> The Essence is this one, as stated before:
>>>> [huge copy paste of previous post]
>>> The Essence is irrelevant.
>>> -
>>> All your thread are belong to us.
>>> -
>> For great justice!
>> ;o)
> [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler
> Essence:
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/msg/5ba2a0ba55d4c102

Um, you realize that nobody in this thread takes you the least
bit seriously and people are just poking you with a stick to
watch you jump?

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  An INK-LING? Sure --
                                  at               TAKE one!! Did you BUY any
                               visi.com            COMMUNIST UNIFORMS??

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