> here is my failed example of try with string:
> kl="n=90;if n==90:print'kajmakimar'"
> for line in kl.split(";"):
>     li=[]
>     m=li.append(line)
>     if line.endswith(':'):
>             m.append("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t")
>     print m

The list.append method returns None. It appends the item to the list.

    >>> lines = []
    >>> result = lines.append("foo")
    >>> print result

So, there's no need to do anything with the result of append() -- just
continue using the list object.

    >>> print lines
    >>> lines.append("bar")
    >>> print lines
    ['foo', 'bar']

 \        "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though |
  `\      nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is."  -- |
_o__)                                                  Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney

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