Stefan Behnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stefan Scholl wrote:
>> Stefan Behnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Stefan Scholl wrote:
>>>> Stefan Behnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Stefan Scholl wrote:
>>>>>> Well, is missing
>>>>>> the fact, that I can't use Unicode with parseString().
>>>>>> This parseString() uses cStringIO.
>>>>> Well, Python unicode is not a valid *byte* encoding for XML.
>>>>> lxml.etree can parse unicode, if you really want, but otherwise, you 
>>>>> should
>>>>> maybe stick to well-formed XML.
>>>> The XML is well-formed. Works perfect in Python 2.4 with Python
>>>> unicode and Python sax parser.
>>> The XML is *not* well-formed if you pass Python unicode instead of a byte
>>> encoded string. Read the XML spec.
>>> It would be well-formed if you added the proper XML declaration, but that is
>>> system specific (UCS-4 or UTF-16, BE or LE). So don't even try.
>> Who cares? I'm not calling any external tools.
> XML cares. If you want to work with something that is not XML, do not expect
> XML tools to help you do it. XML tools work with XML, and there is a spec that
> says what XML is. Your string is not XML.

This isn't some sophisticated XML tool that tells me the string
is wrong. It's a changed behavior of cStringIO that throws an
exception. While I'm just using the method parseString() of

We both repeat ourselves. I don't think this thread brings
something new.

I'm all for correct XML and hate XML bozos. But there are limits
you have to learn after a few years.


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