I need to access a MSSQL database (MS-Sql, not MySQL!)and would very
much like to use mssql-0.09.tar.gz which is available from 


Unfortunately the binary for Python-2.4 isn't available yet and I'd
hate to step back to a previous version.

I'm glad I managed to set up my XP machine to being able to compile
extensions using the VC++ toolkit which freely availbale from MS. See
my posting "Step by step: Compiling extensions with MS Visual C++
Toolkit 2003" in this group.

The problem is that compiling stops with an error in this case.

Two additional header files are needed: sqlfront.h and sqldb.h. They
can be downloaded as file 'Ptk_I386.exe' here:


The problem I have in compiling is:

c:\Python24-extra-modules\MSSQL-0.09\sqlfront.h(312) : error C2373:
'LPCBYTE' : redefinition; different type modifiers

c:\Programme\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows XP
SP2\Include\WinSCard.h(43) : see declaration of 'LPCBYTE'

error: command '"c:\programme\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit
2003\bin\cl.exe"' failed with exit status 2

Currently I'm not C-Guru enough to find out what's wrong. I'm hoping
somebody else succeeds in compiling and can provide compiled module.

I think the object-craft.com.au staff would gladly accept the binary
as well, as they don't have the appropriate environment right now.

Thanks in advance

mb - Martin

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