Kent Johnson wrote:
Steven Bethard wrote:

No, this is documented behavior[1]:

unicode([object[, encoding [, errors]]])
For objects which provide a __unicode__() method, it will call this method without arguments to create a Unicode string. For all other objects, the 8-bit string version or representation is requested and then converted to a Unicode string using the codec for the default encoding in 'strict' mode.

Note that the documentation basically says that it will call str() on your object, and then convert it in 'strict' mode. You should either define __unicode__ or call str() manually on the object.

Not a bug, I guess, since it is documented, but it seems a bit bizarre that the encoding and errors parameters are ignored when object does not have a __unicode__ method.

Yeah, I agree it's weird. I suspect if someone supplied a patch for this behavior it would be accepted -- I don't think this should break backwards compatibility (much).


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