Hi all,

I'm just getting into Python/wxPython/Pythoncard and I'm trying the
tutorial from this page:

Is it me who's totally dense or there's some sort of confusion with
this tutorial?

Here's what is said in the tutorial:

Open the file starter1.py in your Python-aware editor of choice. The
Python script is, as you'd expect, brief and to the point. Here's the
important part to focus on:

def on_menuFileExit_select(self, event):

But here's the starter1.py code:


from PythonCard import model

class Minimal(model.Background):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = model.Application(Minimal)

As you can see, the on_menu line is not in the starter1.py original
script, so I guessed that it should be a part of the Minimal class.

Then the tutorial ask me to replace the on_menu "pass" line with:

result = dialog.alertDialog(self, 'It works!', 'Showing Off')

but when you run the script, it runs, but clicking on Exit does not
display any dialog box. I did change the import line to include

Is there something I'm not seeing here or there is really a mistake
with the walkthrough?



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