
Will McGugan wrote:

> Is there some reference regarding how to package a Python application
> for the various platforms? I'm familiar with Windows deployment - I use
> Py2Exe & InnoSetup - but I would like more information on deploying on
> Mac and Linux.

The standard way to package portable Python apps is a tarball with a
setup.py script. That should work on all systems where Python is already
installed, including Windows. Read <http://docs.python.org/dist/dist.html>,
if you have not already done so.

If you want more 'native' packages (as you already have for Windows, where
users are used to have a graphical installer), you'll have to
create .deb, .rpm, .whatever packages. You usually won't have to bother
about the Python interpreter, because it is either already present (it's a
standard package on most systems) or it will be pulled in via a package
distutils already allows you to create rpm packages.


Benjamin Niemann
Email: pink at odahoda dot de
WWW: http://pink.odahoda.de/

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