Joshua J. Kugler wrote:
> On Wednesday 01 August 2007 13:53, Robert Dailey wrote:
>> He's secretly an employee of Wing IDE in disguise!!!
> Sorry to destroy your conspiracy theories, but no, I've never been employed
> by Wing IDE in any fashion, nor have I ever received any monetary
> compensation from them in any form.  Just a satisfied user.  That's all.
> j
Me too, and I have to say the response I have had to all my technical 
support requests has been first-class. Maybe they are busy because 
they're in beta? I know they aren't the largest company, but they can 
stand comparison with most when it comes to support.

I can't think of any other products I use where you can contact the 
support team from right inside the software. And get answers without 
paying per-incident support fees!

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