Fabio Z Tessitore wrote:
> hi all,
> this Tkinter very simple code work fine:
> ##########################
> from Tkinter import *
> win = Tk()
> win.mainloop()
> ##########################
> but if I try to open a message box, it happens:
> Exception in Tkinter callback
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 1348, in __call__
>     return self.func(*args)
>   File "/home/fabio/Desktop/prova.py", line 5, in reply
>     showinfo(title='ciao', message='hello')
>   File "lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py", line 84, in showinfo
>     return _show(title, message, INFO, OK, **options)
>   File "lib-tk/tkMessageBox.py", line 75, in _show
>     res = Message(**options).show()
>   File "lib-tk/tkCommonDialog.py", line 52, in show
>     s = w.tk.call(self.command, *w._options(self.options))
> TclError: bad pad value "2m": must be positive screen distance
> ##############################
> from Tkinter import *
> from tkMessageBox import *
> def reply():
>       showinfo(title='ciao', message='hello')
> win = Tk()
> but = Button(win, text='press me', command=reply)
> but.pack()
> win.mainloop()
> ##############################
> these are versions:
> python:                       2.4.4 or 2.5.1
> Tkinter.TclVersion:           8.4
> Tkinter.TkVersion:            8.4
> can anyone help me?
> thanks
What window manager are you using ?


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