Miki wrote:
> Hello,
>> I'm using Python for the first time to make a plug-in for Firefox.
>> The goal of this plug-in is to take the source code from a website
>> and use the metadata and body text for different kinds of analysis.
>> My question is: How can I retrieve data from a website? I'm not even
>> sure if this is possible through Python. Any help?
> Have a look at 
> http://www.myinterestingfiles.com/2007/03/playboy-germany-ads.html

Well, it's certainly interesting, but I'm not sure how it might help the OP get 
data from a website...

> for getting the data and at http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
> for handling it.
> HTH.
> --
> Miki Tebeka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://pythonwise.blogspot.com

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