> Here is a newbie question: how do I get the server examples in the
> Preview chapter of  "Progamming Python" (Lutz) to run?  The code is
> supposed to be a little webserver on which to run examples, but when I
> run it it I get "permission denied".  Running it as root gets "address
> already in use".
> Here is the code (it's example 2.32); comments are from Lutz, not me:
> webdir = '.'   # where your html files and cgi-bin script directory
> live
> port   = 80    # default http://localhost/, else use http://localhost:xxxx/
There's the trouble.   You need special permission to open any of the
ports up through 1023.  As root, you have permission, but apparently
some process already has that port opened, almost certainly a web server
you start up at boot time, probably apache.

So either kill off the web server that has port 80 opened, or better
yet, just change the port to something else.  A common choice is port
8080.  This does not require superuser permission, and is probably free. 
    port = 8080

If you do that, then you access the server on port 8080 with url's that
look like this:

  http://localhost:8080/what/ever/..., or

Gary Herron
> import os, sys
> from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer
> from CGIHTTPServer  import CGIHTTPRequestHandler
> # hack for Windows: os.environ not propogated
> [deleted, I'm running linux]
> . . .
> os.chdir(webdir)                                       # run in html
> root dir
> srvraddr = ("", port)                                  # my hostname,
> portnumber
> srvrobj  = HTTPServer(srvraddr, CGIHTTPRequestHandler)
> srvrobj.serve_forever()                                # run as
> perpetual demon
> My other python scripts run fine.
> I'm running linux (debian).  I'm not running an webserver (that I know
> of anyway).
> I've fiddled with adding the subdirectory with the code to the python
> path, but this doesn't seem to help either.  I'm new to all this, but
> I've been able to make the other stuff work, and I can't even find the
> beginning of what I'm supposed to research to fix this.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks for your time and
> patience.


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