> I agree that making web apps is probably the way of the future.
> However, there are lots of security risks involved with it that need
> to be understood. One of the problems that raging is about AJAX, see
> here: 
> http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070802-security-experts-warn-developers-about-the-risks-of-premature-ajax-ulation.html

Yes, do be careful of ajax, and of internet programming in general.
However, the usual use of a desktop app is deployment within one
company, so if you write it as a web app you can ease the security
issue by firewalling the server so that it can't be accessed through
the outside internet.  That still makes deployment a lot easier, since
there are zero desktop installations required, and you can upgrade the
software whenever you want at the server side.

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