> I tried the PMW widget toolkit. It was ok, but it seemed kind of
> buggy. I found out about Tix on a forum of some sort. When I tried to
> find out how to get it and use it, all I found was conflicting
> information. I finally got it downloaded only to find I had to compile
> it and I didn't have the right version of TCL. So I switched to
> wxPython then. Months later I found out that Tix is now included with
> Python.
> I still don't know how to use it though. As with most external Tkinter
> widget sets, Tix doesn't have examples. The docs look less inviting
> than man pages...but I realize that's probably just me. I just don't
> like man pages much.

Tkinter comes more naturally to me than other toolkits because I'm also 
a Tcl developer. I just haven't felt the need to learn wxPython because 
I can get what I need from Tkinter, even the more complicated GUI layouts.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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