Michael J. Fromberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Also, it is a common behaviour in many programming languages for logical
> connectives to both short-circuit and yield their values, so I'd argue
> that most programmers are proabably accustomed to it.  The && and || 
> operators of C and its descendants also behave in this manner, as do the

Untrue, alas...:

brain:~ alex$ cat a.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    printf("%d\n", 23 && 45);
    return 0;
brain:~ alex$ gcc a.c
brain:~ alex$ ./a.out 

In C, && and || _do_ "short circuit", BUT they always return 0 or 1,
*NOT* "yield their values" (interpreted as "return the false or true
value of either operand", as in Python).


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