Tony wrote:

> Is this cheating?

Isn't it harder to calculate the magic indices than just writing down the
names twice?
> class a:
>         def square(self, x):
>                 print 'executing:', dir(self)[-1]
>                 print x*x
>         def cube(self, x):
>                 print 'executing:',     dir(self)[-2]
>                 print x*x*x
> b=a()
> b.square(3)
> b.cube(3)
> Output:
> PyMate r6780 running Python 2.3.5 (python)
> >>> function self
> executing: square
> 9
> executing: cube
> 27

> Is this cheating?

No, just wrong.

>> class A:
...     def alpha(self): return dir(self)[-2]
...     def gamma(self): return dir(self)[-1]
>>> a = A()
>>> a.alpha(), a.gamma()
('alpha', 'gamma')
>>> a.beta = 42
>>> a.alpha(), a.gamma()
('beta', 'gamma')


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