special_dragonfly wrote:
> "special_dragonfly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> "Bruno Desthuilliers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> special_dragonfly a écrit :
>>> (snip)
>>>> I've managed to solve the problem, I really was just being a dunce. 
>>>> Here's how incase anyone is wondering:
>>>> class MyClass:
>>>>     def __init__(self):
>>>>         name=""
>>>> dict={}
>>>> dict[0]=[]
>>>> dict[0].append(MyClass())
>>>> dict[0][0].name="Hello"
>>>> print dict[0][0].name
>>>> I'm sorry if I've wasted anyones time, although if there's a better way 
>>>> of doing the above I'd still be interested to know.
>>> # unless you need pre 2.3.x compat, better to use newstyle classes
>>> class MyClass(object):
>>>   # use the initializer to initialize your instance
>>>   def __init__(self, name=''):
>>>     # the use of 'self' is mandatory, else you only have a local var
>>>     self.name = name
>>> # don't use builtin names as identifiers - unless you really want to
>>> # shadow the builtins
>>> d = {0:[MyClass('hello')}
>>> d[0].append(MyClass('goodbye'))
>>> d.setdefault(1, []).append(MyClass('Yo'))
>>> print d
>>> HTH
> Is there anyway for python to consider the values within a string when 
> entering the data into a dictionary. I know that isn't very clear so here's 
> an example:
> class MyClass(object):
>     def __init__(self,name="",age=""):
>         self.name=name
>         self.age=age
> data="Gary,50"
> d={0:[MyClass(data)]}
> data="Adam,25"
> d[0].append(MyClass(data))
> The data is coming from a text file working on a line by line basis. I've 
> just tried and I'm just getting the full string in the first field. That 
> seems logical, now I don't want it to though!
If you mean you would like to store a list of values then you could try 
something like

d = {0: MyClass(*data.split(",")}

to create the objects. The .split() method turns the string into a list 
of substrings, and the * unary operator turns that list into individual 
arguments passed to the __init__() method.

However, your recent question history indicates that you would do well 
to study the Python tutorial and other beginner material, as you will 
find many valuable hints as to Python best practices which will save you 
a lot of time.

Also there is the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list if you are having problems 
of a "beginner" nature, where you might get more practical help in your 
initial use of the language.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
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