On 8/9/07, [david] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm disappointed that I didn't get a wxPython solution.
> If the only way to get wxPython to correctly handle
> this simple task is to code around it, I don't think
> wxPython is really ready for Windows.

A thread *is* basically the right answer, though; so why does wxPython need
an "answer"? Python has one.

Alternatively, let the GUI load (and don't do the long-running-task) and
then do the long running task in an idle handler within the GUI. A bit at a

Alternatively, from within the long-running-task, regularly do:

   if myApp.Pending():

That'll handle any pending UI events (so the main UI is responsive). But you
need to call it regularly during your main task-- if you don't want a
separate thread.

Is there a better place to ask?

The wxPython mailing list. http://wxpython.org/maillist.php


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