On 10 kol, 11:02, Ant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 10, 8:39 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Now,I was install python 2.5 and remove python 2.4 completely.After I
> > write:
> > $ python mysetup.py py2exe
> > .......
> >      import py2exe_ util
> > ImportError: Module use of conflicts with this version of Python
> > ...ok, I know what is a problem, I haven't remove python completely,
> > in my computer is one more folder Panda3D-1.4.0 but when I remove it
> > and all dll files include python24.dll, I cannot run python or make
> > that setup.
> > (That panda3d contain python)
> > Regards,
> > Vedran
> Sounds like your path needs setting up properly. Try typing echo %PATH
> % into your console window to find out if Python2.5 is in the path. If
> you are using the default setup, then c:\Python25 should be on the
> path.
> --
> Ant...
> http://antroy.blogspot.com/


yes,Python 2.5 is on the path, but how can I remove panda3d from that



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