Jens Thiede <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't like the property function, usable in the new-style classes,
> because having to remember to manage a list of "foo = property(...)"
> assignments just plain sucks, so I wrote a metaclass that does things
> a little differently. Please have a look and tell me whether this is
> useful or impractical. The metaclass is here:
> and some simple testcode is here:
> Notice the first line though.
Here's something I posted a while back which lets you use property as a 

         class C(object):
            def __init__(self, colour):
                self._colour = colour

            def colour(self, value):
                self._colour = value

            def colour(self):
                return self._colour

            def colour(self):
                self._colour = 'none' 


Whether you like that style is of course a matter of personal opinion.

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