Is there a way to give a progress or status message while a file it uploading using httplib.HTTPSConnection? Here is some sample code that I would like to add a progress message to when run from the commandline:
server = httplib.HTTPSConnection(upload_host) server.request('POST', upload_uri, body, headers) resp = server.getresponse() server.close() if resp.status == 201: location = resp.getheader('Location', None) else: location = None return resp.status, resp.reason, location It looks like ftplib has support for callback functions for things like listing the contents of a directory, but I don't see callback support anywhere in httplib. Would it only be possible to show an estimated duration based on file size, or would the better answer be to break the file up into chunks? I'm pretty new to Python, so I'm not quite sure how to handle something like this... Thanks for the help, Dave