>>>>> "Franz" == Franz Steinhaeusler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Franz> On 25 Feb 2005 12:38:53 +0200, Ville Vainio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
    Franz> Hello Ville,

    >>>>>>> "Franz" == Franz Steinhaeusler
    >>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    Franz> Thank you, but it is too big.
    Franz> Anyway:
    Franz> I'm looking for some (simple) "rules" to parse (regex) and
    Franz> try to implement myself, if nothing is available.
    >> Check out
    >> http://pyparsing.sourceforge.net/

    Franz> Thank you for this information!

    Franz> Also a little to complicated, I'm looking for a quick
    Franz> solution.

    >> Before you start implementing one yourself. Regexp solution
    >> would probably be a bit flakier. And do share your results when
    >> you get some; I'm in need of a c++ parser myself.

    Franz> I don't want to scan a whole project, only the currently
    Franz> open file.

    Franz> class definition method/function ignore comment lines show
    Franz> #includes would be enough at first.

    Franz> I will inform again :)

    Franz> -- Franz Steinhaeusler
In the "instant gratification" department, there is Emacs with the
Emacs Code Browser interface.  ECB contains a C++ parser done in
Lisp.  If you need to extract things, there is a PyMacs interface that
works quite well.
See http://www.emacswiki.org for details.
Given the "power, performance, ease of use; pick any two" cliché,
we're clearly ditching the middle one with this approach. :)

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