beginner wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I have encountered a small problems.  How to call module functions
> inside class instance functions? For example,  calling func1 in func2
> resulted in a compiling error.
> "my module here"
> def func1():
>      print "hello"
> class MyClass:
>    def func2():
>          #how can I call func1 here.
>          func1() #results in an error
If you had bothered to include the error message it would have been 
obvious that the problem with your code isn't in body of the method at 
all - you have failed to include an argument to the method to pick up 
the instance on which the method is called. I am guessing that when you 
create an instance and call its func2 method you see the message

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 12, in <module>
TypeError: func2() takes no arguments (1 given)

which would have been a very useful clue. Please include the traceback 
in future! Here's a version of your program that works.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Projects/Python
$ cat
"my module here"

def func1():
      print "hello"

class MyClass:
    def func2(self):
          #how can I call func1 here.
          func1() #results in an error

myInstance = MyClass()

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Projects/Python
$ python

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