On 2007-08-20, Dave Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2007-08-19, Sébastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am currently using Eclipse+PyDev when developping Python projects but 
>> I lack a fast, simple editor for tiny bit of scripts. So here is my 
>> question: what is, for you, the current best ( but still kind of light! 
>> ) Python editor/IDE ? A tiny precision, I am on Ubuntu so I am looking 
>> for a linux compatible editor.
> JED has a nice python mode for fast, simple editing.  

I second the Jed nomination...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I want EARS!  I want
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                               visi.com            to make me feel warm
                                                   'n secure!!

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