On Aug 20, 1:14 pm, Boris Ozegovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would be happy to help but I don't have a clear understand of what
> > the poster needs.
> Suppose you want to find out what is someone's pulse/heart rate, you can
> ask question in many ways, syntaxically, but with same semantic.  One way
> to find out someone's pulse is to ask: "What is John's pulse", other is
> "Please, tell me, what is Jonh's pulse", or "Send me John's pulse
> immediatelly!", etc.  So, if you can write some other question to find out
> someone's pulse, please do, but, it would be great if your question would
> have different pattern, e.g. "Please, tell me John's pulse immediatelly"
> and "Tell me John's pulse right now" have the same pattern, because they
> are syntaxically very alike.
> --
> Ne dajte da nas la¾ljivac Bandiæ 
> truje:http://cnn.blog.hr/arhiva-2007-06.html#1622776372

I wonder what John's pulse is?  Display John's pulse.  I need to know
John's pulse.  How many beats per minute is John's heart going?
What's John's pulse rate?  How fast is John's heart rate?  How fast is
John's blood pumping?  What is the rate of John's heart?  What is the
rate of John's pulse?  How fast is John's heart beating?  What is the
frequency of John's heart pulses?  What is the frequency of John's
cardiac cycle?  How fast is John's cardiac cycle?  What is the rate of
John's pulse?  I want the result of John's auscultation.  Give me
John's heart beats, or give John death!

Okay, probably not the last one.

If you're trying to do some natural language processing, you should
take a look at the Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK) [1].  The NLTK is
written in Python, and also has a book to help you out (available free
online or as a physical book for price).

In any case, English is a terribly difficult language to parse, and
can have many ambiguities that can only be resolved through knowledge
of the subjects and verbs involved.  Good luck on your project.  Just
remember: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo
buffalo [2].

[1] The NLTK website is at "http://nltk.sourceforge.net/index.php/
[2] That's actually valid English.  See "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/



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