On 19:19 Mon 20 Aug     , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> import StringIO
> text = """\
> To mimic Perl's input record separator in
> Python, you can use a generator.
> And a substring test.
> Perhaps something like the following
> is what you wanted.
> """
> mockfile = StringIO.StringIO(text)
> def genrecords(mockfile, sep=".\n"):
>     buffer = ""
>     while True:
>         while sep in buffer:
>             idx = buffer.find(sep) + len(sep)
>             yield buffer[:idx]
>             buffer = buffer[idx:]
>         rl = mockfile.readline()
>         if rl == "":
>             break
>         else:
>             buffer = '%s%s' % (buffer, rl)
>     yield buffer
>     raise StopIteration
> for record in genrecords(mockfile):
>     print "READ:", record
> --
> Hope this helps,
> Steven
Thanks, this also looks like a good way to go but ATM beyond my level of
Python knowledge. I've not reached the generator chapter yet but I'll
flag the message and return later.

Regards, John
War is God's way of teaching Americans geography
Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914)

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