On 21 aug 2007, at 12.01, subeen wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a newcomer in Python.  I am going to write a small Python
> application that will run in windows xp. This application needs to
> have GUI. Is it possible to make a C# application using visual studio
> 2005 that will call the python scripts? Let me explain more here:
> My program will generate a text file of 100 - 100000 random integers,
> and sort those using various sorting methods. Now I have written
> separate sorting scripts in Python (quick sort, insertion sort etc.).
> But I want to write the GUI and number generation program in C#.net.
> When the user clicks Quick Sort button, the quicksort.py will be
> called and it will sort the numbers.
> regards,
> Subeen
> --  
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
        If C# can call extension functions written in C, then it's possible.
See info on how to embed a Python interpreter in a custom C application.
An astronomer to a colleague:
-I can't understsnad how you can go to the brothel as often as you  
do. Not only is it a filthy habit, but it must cost a lot of money too.
-Thats no problem. I've got a big government grant for the study of  
black holes.
Tommy Nordgren


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