On 8/21/07, Greg Copeland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 9:35 pm, JoeSox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I must say this thing is pretty cool.  I had a coworker try it out and
> > he ran into problems getting it to run on his Linux OS.  So I am
> > really looking for some non-Windows developers to take a look at it.
> > All of the info is at the project site above.
> > Thanks.
> >
> I looked at it real quick.  You need to use os.path.join for your file
> paths.  You also need to use sys.platform for windows specific
> processing.  For example:
> if sys.platform == 'Win32':
>   FS_ROOT = 'C:'
> else:
>   FS_ROOT = '/'
> WORDNETPATH=os.path.join( FS_ROOT, 'WordNet', '2.1', 'dict' )
> So on and so on.  You wrote it very MSWin centric so it is not a
> surprise it has trouble of on other platforms.  All of your file
> references need to be adjusted as above using os.path.join.
> Keep in mind I only looked at it real quick.  Those appear to be the
> cross platform deal killers.  Short of something I missed (could
> have), it should work find on most any other platform once you take
> out the Windows-isms.

Excellent. I will look at this.  Being a hobbyist programmer, I am use
to writing code just for a Windows environment. I've only been using
Python for a year or so and I never could get into Java.

Later, Joe

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