At 10:50 AM 8/20/2007, beginner wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
>I am using the Wing IDE. It works great when developing applications,
>but the workflow is like Visual Studio -- after you execute it or
>debug it, the python script ends.
>What I want is an interactive interpreting environment. I want the IDE
>to execute a boot script to initialize my environment and create some
>basic data objects. And then I want to be able to type in command on
>the command line using these objects. The IDLE that comes with Python
>does this, but compared with Wing, it does not have a lot of the
>convenient features.
>I am wondering if there is anything more powerful than IDLE that can
>do this.

Are you sure you can't do this with Wing? Have you asked support, 

Dick Moores

                       Bagdad Weather


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