Terry Reedy a écrit :
> |"Bruno Desthuilliers" Terry Reedy a écrit :
> |
> |> The CPython implementation of the langauge compiles Python to 
> proprietary
> |> byte code
> |Hahem... "proprietary" is certainly not the right term here.
> a. you are being nitpicky, 


> overly in my opinion

Possibly too.

> b. you failed to suggest a better term, 

True. What about "specific", then ?

> hence cannot expect the same of me

This is debatable, but I don't feel like debating on this.

> In any case, CPython is owned by PSF (which gives it away).  Its bytecode 
> is an private implementation detail subject to change in any .x version as 
> the developers see fit. 

Which AFAICT doesn't make it "proprietary", for the common definition of 
"proprietary" wrt/ softwares. Python is free software, which means that 
anyone can freely write either it's own Python compiler (which is 
basically what Jython and IronPython are) or write a compiler for any 
language to CPython's VM.

Sorry for being so nitpicky.

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