On 2005-02-26, bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi...
> i'm running rh8.0 with gnome.. i'm not sure of the version (it's whatever rh
> shipped).
> i've recently updated (or tried to update) python to the latest version.
> when i try to run the 'Server Settings/Services' Icon within gnome, nothing
> happens...
> i tried to run the 'start services' command from a command line, and got the
> following...
> it appears to be a conflict somewhere...
> --------------------------------------------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# redhat-config-services
> /usr/share/redhat-config-services/serviceconf.py:331: SyntaxWarning:
> argument named None
>   def on_mnuRescan_activate(self,None):

I don't think this has ever been legal... so that's strange.

>     import gtk
> ImportError: No module named gtk

Which version of python were you using before?
Is it still installed?
Try something like ...

ls -l /usr/bin/python*

> can someone perhaps suggest a solution, or point me to where i might find a
> solution to this issue. could the python changes be causing a problem? would
> upgrading gnome potentially fix the issue? can you upgrade gnome without
> upgrading the rh kernel?

You can try pointing /usr/bin/python (which on many systems
is just a link to the actual program) to the old version
of python.

This is really more of a red hat question than a python
question, so I also recommend asking on a red hat list.

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