I asked:

I am developing a Python program that submits a command to each node
of a cluster and consumes the stdout and stderr from each. I want all
the processes to run in parallel, so I start a thread for each
node. There could be a lot of output from a node, so I have a thread
reading each stream, for a total of three threads per node. (I could
probably reduce to two threads per node by having the process thread
handle stdout or stderr.)

Simon Wittber said:

> In the past, I have used the select module to manage asynchronous
> IO operations.
> I pass the select.select function a list of file-like objects, and it
> returns a list of file-like objects which are ready for reading and
> writing.

Donn Cave said:

As I see another followup has already mentioned, the classic
"pre threads" solution to multiple I/O sources is the select(2)
function, ...

Thanks for your replies. The streams that I need to read contain pickled data. The select call returns files that have available input, and I can use read(file_descriptor, max) to read some of the input data. But then how can I convert the bytes just read into a stream for unpickling? I somehow need to take the bytes arriving for a given file descriptor and buffer them until the unpickler has enough data to return a complete unpickled object.

(It would be nice to do this without copying the bytes from one place
to another, but I don't even see how do solve the problem with



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