En Mon, 27 Aug 2007 03:05:30 -0300, Mick Duprez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Thank you very much Gabriel, changing the NULL to None did the trick
> (it also helps if I reload the changed module after editing!:( ).

Glad to see it worked.

> Yes
> that is an old script and I will look into your suggestions. Basically
> I'd just like to use the default mail client (windows or Unix/Linux)
> to send simple mail with attachments, this way I can log the
> attachments I send to a db for example for document transmittal/
> register reports etc.

Hmmm... altough you may find some MAPI implementation for Linux, it's very  
uncommon; consider using sendmail instead, or ask for an outbound SMTP  
server and use the smtplib module.

Gabriel Genellina


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